in this picture?
No? How about now?

Still no? Try this one.
For years I have heard rumors about a very old indian cemetery hidden in the woods . It's not too far from the other Indian cemetery from my previous blog. This past weekend I explored the area and found it. Up these stone steps are the graves of indians who lived on this land that was once a reservation. These particular indians were converted to Catholicism and were given a christian burial.
At the base of the steps lays an assortment of items. A small amount of change, rocks and a beautiful "Dream Catcher" have been left as, what I presume, offerings.
On the top of the hill, the graves are widely scattered although I do wonder if many more are buried that are not marked with headstones. To be honest, I don't know how they buried anyone on this hill. The pictures do not capture it, but the entire hill seemed to consist of rocks from the size of marbles to the biggest boulders I have ever seen around this area.
The grave of Chief Pay-Baw-Me. He died in 1870. His was the only headstone that was engraved with both his indian name and his christian name, Joseph Papahme (or Pabahme, I couldn't tell). All of the other headstones were engraved with only the christian names.

There is also a historical marker about a quarter mile away from this cemetery.

This man drowned in 1871. Note how the grave has an old flower pot at the base.
Together forever.
This area, about 15 feet in diameter showed recent (ceremony ?) activity. Note that the grass is trampled but not quite dead yet. There is a small carved plate and buried under the grass next to the rock was a much older plate from an earlier time.

The activity seemed to be directed to this cross.

This urn seems so out of place.
I plan to return in the next couple of weeks to see if I can get better pictures.