to take care of this year for Memorial Day. Because of cold weather, I had to wait until the Friday before I could start to deliver/plant flowers.
On Tuesday I was back at the cemeteries covering the flowers I planted and removing the ones I had set out in pots because of frost and freeze warnings. After work on Wednesday, I redelivered and uncovered. I went home, watched the news and was informed that they had miscalculated (imagine that) and the temps would dip below freezing again that night. Geez, I checked at noon and they said a low of 40. Back to the cemeteries I went. Thanks to the gas prices, I lost pretty much all my profits for the year. Grrrrrr. But hey, the flowers survived, the graves look great and that’s the important thing, right?
A little off topic but in my front yard is an enormous Mulberry tree that my grandmother planted. I can remember her telling me to never, ever plant anything in the spring until the leaves sprout on that tree. She said that Mulberry trees know when the last frost of the year is going to be so if you see leaves on them you can safely plant even if the calendar says it's too early. Guess what? So far, that tree has never been wrong. I checked it yesterday and could not find a single tiny green leaf. I planned to plant my garden this weekend but if I don’t see any leaves by then I will definitely wait.