Friday, March 28, 2008

My virgin post

My very first post of my very first blog. It is a rare day that I even read someones blog, so what am I doing here?

Well, It all started when I decided to turn my hobby (grave tending) into a business. Everyone knows that you can't have a business without a website, right? Rather than pay someone to make one for me, I decided to try it on my own. What was I thinking? The only thing I knew how to code in HTML was b and br. So, off to college I go. First I took an online class for website building. I spent the next few weeks trying to create my first website using only HTML. That was a little too challenging for a site that needed to look professional so I sprang for Adobe Dreamweaver, a WYSIWYG website creating software. Wow, great software but again, quite the learning curve! A few weeks later I decided that Adobe Photoshop was going to make everything so much easier. I found it to be only partially true. Overwhelmed, overwhelmed, overwhelmed. But, as someone who loves a challenge, I also found it so much fun.

I finished my site last night and will have it up and running in the next day or two.

So, tonight I sat in front of my computer thinking "now what"? Hmmmm...Maybe I'll try a blog to tie in with my website/business....

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