Monday, May 18, 2009


Sometime between my job, mushroom hunting, and visiting the area greenhouses, the last couple of months flew by. Where in the world did that time go? And why can’t winter go by that fast?

This week will be a busy one for me. Lots of planting and flowers to deliver. It is still pretty cold for the end of May but the Mulberry tree has begun to leaf out so I think it’s safe to plant.

I don’t have any new cemetery pictures but I can share a few from my mushroom hunts this spring.

This is why these darn mushroom are so hard to find. Look how well they blend into their surroundings.

I almost tripped right over this little guy. It’s a baby sandhill crane.

His mom and dad were trying their best to distract me so I quickly snapped a couple of pictures and went on my way.

What an eerie feeling it was to stand in the middle of these flooded pines.

The picture makes him look huge, but this blowsnake is just a young guy, maybe 10 inches long.

1 comment:

JobSearchNinja said...

In order to win the best jobs and ultimately your dream job in today's world, you have to work like a ninja. Your job search must be different than everyone else's. You have to search where others don't search. You must have a strategic plan of attack.